The Georgia Fort

This gin-based berry thyme cocktail is inspired by independent journalist, Georgia Fort. Nominated for two Emmy’s for her journalism that focuses on institutional inequities and social justice, Fort also advocates for widespread media reform including diverse journalists, newsroom, experts, board rooms, and more. She founded Blck Press which covers communities of color in the Twin Cities.

This batch cocktail recipe is great for parties and celebrations! We raise a glass to Fort and her work to change the narrative.


3 cups Prominence Gin

2 pints fresh raspberries

1 small bundle fresh thyme

1 cup simple syrup

1 bottle of cold red wine (we recommend McBride Sisters)

1 bag of frozen whole cranberries

3 apples cut into slices

1 cup simple syrup

½ cup fresh lemon juice

Garnish: Raspberries, fresh sprigs of thyme

Combine ingredients in a blender. Pour into champagne flutes, 1/3 full and top with sparkling wine. Garnish.


The Paul Bauknight


The Houston White